Glacier's Blog

A lazy cabbage dog dedicated to technology

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This is my first blog stimulated by suxy15, written to take down the prossess of writing blog using Jeykll

Jekyll and Github Pages

Roughly speaking, Jekyll and Github Pages are two different parts. Jekyll is a static website generator like hexo(use html, mardown, etc to generate a new html), while Github Pages is a Github component which uses a repository to generate a user website. But Jekyll is the engine of Github Pages, which makes it convenient to set up a blog using Jekyll on Github. We just edit on our local machine, commit as usual and get our blog.


Basic information about Jekyll can be easily got from the Jekyll official

Set up Github Pages can see Set up Github Pages with Jekyll

Some pitfalls

However, some pitfalls need to be noticed.

  1. Theme changing

    There are different types of theme in Jekyll. For me, I use gem theme, which means that _layouts, etc is invisible for me but make a difference when built. To use a gem theme, check Jekyll themes. After installing a new theme, the home and layout in the front matter of pages must be changed to :default, or else it will complain.

  2. Link

    Links to the content files in the markdown is commonly used, the path for the url ==can not== use . or .. , one good way to link properly is to use Liquid tags, such as

    [Jekyll beginning](/jekyll/2021/08/28/Jekyll_beginning.html)
    # Since liquid grammar will be transformed, better check it as raw

    which can work properly

Make a table of contents

In markdown, we add [toc] will generate a table of contents, however, this will not work by default in Jekyll. To make a table of contents check

If you are using a gem-based theme

bundle info --path minima

will find config files for you theme